Monday, February 24, 2014

Investing In Your Talents

This year I chose to invest in my talents. I, like many others, have multiple talents and most of them allow me to be creative. I am a artistic person. I love writing, makeup, nail art, editing videos and photos, etc. I love creating. It excites me and makes me happy. Why not do what makes you happy? This is what I often ask myself when ever that inner realest rears its ugly head and says " But if you did "xyz" you would have a stable job with stable income." That is often my internal battle. I love the fact that I am allowing myself to explore doing what truly makes me happy but I still have that fear, like others, that I need to be doing something that will give me that automatic financial stability. Its not fun being broke. I had to check myself the other day when I was out with coworkers. I work at a hospital, so many of my coworkers have nicer cars than I do and other nice things. For a split second while riding in my car, I looked at their cars and the thought crossed my mind "How come they have these nice cars and I work my ass off and I don't have half of what they have?" Suddenly the thought occurred to me that I don't know what they had to go through to get them, what they are going through to keep them, or any other circumstance. I can't look at them and think that its greener because everybody has problems, material things are just surface.
I feel like I am going off topic. Let me reel it in.
*reeling it in*
Ok, basically I am writing this for myself and anybody else who ever doubts themselves,their life's directions, or what they possess or don't possess. Do what makes you happy, the money will come. When you are happy doing what you love, you go the extra mile. You are passionate, always trying to better yourself and whatever you are doing. Thats where I want to be. I am not saying that I want to be Ms. Flashy but I would like to have better than what I have. And I will.
I want to work hard doing what I love aannnnd have something to show for it.
Point of it all: Do what I love!!!!

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