Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Breaking Point.... #AltonSterling

My heart aches...
How many more of our men will be murdered?
How many more families will lose sisters, mothers, fathers, brothers?
How many more unfit officers will get off for murder?
How many more hashtags will we see before we make a change in this corrupt system?
I am so tired of the same routine, year after year. This hashtag, that hashtag, and so forth. What are we not doing? Why are these unfit monsters able to call themselves police officers and be able to lurk and patrol for their next victims night after night, year after year and no one see's the signs? Why does this keep happening? I don't understand. As a mother of a black son, I am terrified when I SHOULDN'T be. I shouldn't have to anticipate having a sit down with my son briefing him on tips to survive an encounter with the police when chances are he's going to be shot ANYWAY.

At this point, what can we do to prove that there needs to be a change?

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